Monday, March 20, 2006

An answer to my own question

OK, so previously I asked a question. I suppose it was rhetorical. But some discussion is in order.

I suppose the obvious answer is that they don't know that they're wrong. Heck, for their circumstances, they may not be. Which is nice, but it doesn't help me. When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. The corrollary is that when all you're trying to do is nail some stuff together, a hammer'll do the trick every time.

The response might be to simplify as much as possible, until the solution begins to looks "nail-ish".

Yeah, right. How exactly do I apply these principles to the practice of airplane-building?

Try creating enterprise software with that approach. You know how far it'll get ya? Well, pretty far -- as far away from that project as the boot out the door will carry you (allowing for weight and wind resistence, of course).

Say it with me now, "There is no One True Methodology". There are only ideas, principles and practices.

The rest is consulting.


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